About the Music on AmoLink
While the music and other materials on this site may be copyrighted by third parties, AmoLink does not claim the ownership of the music on this site. Credit is, wherever possible, given to the musician and the source websites.
The music you find on this site are public domain music or music with Creative Commons licenses. Works in the public domain are those whose intellectual property rights have expired, have been forfeited, or are inapplicable. Anyone can use the public domain music without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it. And music with Creative Commons licenses are music compositions written, produced and shared by people who do not charge anything when using their music for personal use, commercially or non-commercially. Basically, creator makes the music and keep ownership and copyright of it and others get the permission to use it for videos, film or small multimedia productions, as long as they credit the creator properly. Thus we get the music for free and legally.
We do not own the music and all rights reserved to the following sites where the material from:

If we have failed to appropriately credit the music to the third party responsible, please contact us by sending email to [email protected]. We will make every effort to correct the problem.
About the Music Users Upload
AmoLink respects and supports copyright laws and strongly believes that the creator’s creativity and originality must be protected and awarded. Therefore all the users should acknowledge and agree that all downloads from the other sites are governed by the license. In no event we will be liable for the losses caused by the user’s personal use of unauthorized music. If the music uploaded by a user is believed to infringe on rights of others under copyright law or other applicable law, AmoLink will suspend or otherwise terminate the illegal content exchanges. If you think that any material on our website violates any copyright or similar right which you own or control, you should notify us to delete it by selecting "Contact Us" on AmoLink.com, or sending email of such infringement to [email protected].